The Samsung Galaxy S7 and Galaxy S7 Edge went on sale today (March 11th), with prices starting from a shade under £35 per month for cont...

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A new flagship HTC phone appears to have leaked online, suggesting the struggling Taiwanese company is looking to ditch the design found...
Rising demand for the Apple Watch will see the device be made available in all US outlets of Best Buy next month, in a sign that maybe p...
Two or three years ago, a phone with a 4.6-inch screen would have been considered pretty big. But in 2015, here's one being referred...
Three is giving away six month subscriptions to Deeze to smartphone customers, as part of what’s likely to be the first of many promotio...
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UK mobile networks look set to be forced to make it free to unlock phones at the end of customers' contracts, it was announced in Th...
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Some users who report the hot home button problem also say their handsets have started randomly powering down, despite having plenty of ...
The iPhone 6S and 6S Plus are two of the best phones ever. But they're not perfect. Users have taken to forums to complain of a ra...
The iPhone 6S and iPhone 6S Plus may be subject to a series of glitches that have left a number of users infuriated. But a still-unannou...
The new Google Nexus 5X is leading the way for USB–C connected smartphones. But unlike its Nexus 6P stablemate, it won’t ship with a USB...
Android Pay has finally begun rolling out. The mobile payment system, revealed by Google earlier this summer, is aimed at taking on Appl...
The next level is called Pop. If you peek at the email and decide it is something you need to reply to, just press a little harder and y...
The S iterations of the iPhone are always minimal upgrades: the phone looks the same, it's just got some minor software adjustments ...
Three has become the latest carrier to announce iPhone 6S and 6S Plus price points, as the annual pre-order stampede for new Apple smart...
Would-be iPhone 6S and iPhone 6S Plus owners can now pre-order the handsets on EE, as the UK’s fastest 4G carrier shows its hand in thi...
When unveiling its latest range of iPhones, Apple discontinued the iPhone 5C, its budget model. But it's not all over for cheaper Ap...
With everyone and his dog about to become the owner of a shiny iPhone 6S, you might be worried your handset could get confused by the sh...
Apple is testing a futuristic new data transfer technology that uses light rather than radio waves to transfer data wirelessly, promptin...